More Reading
Books, reports and journal articles
Falla, R.A., RB Sibson, EG Turbott (1966) A Field Guide to the Birds of New Zealand: A complete guide to the native and introduced species of New Zealand and outlying islands. Revised Edition. Collins Publishing, Great Britain.
Hill, S & J (1987) Richard Henry of Resolution Island. A Biography. John McIndoe Ltd, Dunedin.
Orbell, M (2003) Birds of Aotearoa: A Natural and Cultural History. Reed Publishing (NZ) Ltd, Auckland
O’Donnell, C, A Roberts & J Lyall (2002) Mohua (yellowhead) recovery plan 2002-2012. Threatened Species Recovery Plan. Department of Conservation. Download a copy from (pdf)
Worthy, T.H. and R.N. Holdaway (2002) Prehistoric Life of New Zealand: The lost world of the Moa. Canterbury University Press, Christchurch, New Zealand
Gaze, P (1994) Rare and Endangered New Zealand Birds: Conservation and Management. Canterbury University Press, Christchurch, New Zealand
Wilson, K-J (2004) Flight of the Huia: Ecology and Conservation of New Zealand’s frogs, reptiles, birds and mammals. Canterbury University Press, Christchurch, New Zealand
Heather, B. and H. Robertson (1996) The Field Guide to the Birds of New Zealand: Revised Edition. Penguin Books (NZ) Ltd, Auckland, New Zealand
O’Donnell, CFJ (1996) Monitoring mohua (yellowhead) populations in the South Island, New Zealand 1983-93. New Zealand Journal of Zoology, Vol 23: 221-228
Web Links
Web: Check out the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species website, including information on where mohua sit on the threatened species status compared to other animals around the world. Visit
Web: Read the latest on DOC’s work with mohua, including a video about saving the mohua from stoats and rats in South Westland.
Web: An extract from the 1992 – 1997 recovery plan, a Science and Technical report with historical tables around mohua distributions and planned work. (pdf)
Web: Search the DOC website using this site for more Science and Technical information on mohua. Just type “mohua” into the search engine.
Web: Read media releases and other stories about mohua and the Mohua Charitable Trust at