Mohua translocation - Chalky Island/Te Kakahu to Poulter Valley, Canterbury
41 mohua were successfully moved from Chalky Island/Te Kakahu in Fiordland to the Poulter Valley in Arthur's Pass National Park. These birds join the previously translocated populations in the nearby Hawdon and South Branch Hurunui river catchments to further strengthen the Canterbury meta-population.
Thank you to the Rātā Foundation for funding all the flights involved in this translocation.
We would also like to thank the Ron and Edna Greenwood Environmental Trust for their contribution to this project.
link . . . https://www.stuff.co.nz/environment/127914129/from-the-100-bill-to-a-canterbury-valley-missing-mohua-return-after-20year-absence
Restoration of the Upukerora River Mouth, Te Anau
Funds will provide signage and natural boulders to deter 4WD users and educate dog owners to avoid disturbing nesting sites of rare birds in the unique river delta.
Thank you to the Meridian Power Up Fund for helping this worthy cause.
Seabird Restoration Project – Coal Island, Fiordland
February 2020
The Mohua Charitable Trust in partnership with the South-West New Zealand Endangered Species Trust (Coal Island Trust) with funding from the Department of Conservation Community Fund, ANZ Staff Foundation and Fiordland Helicopters set up three sets of specially designed acoustic equipment to call in several seabird species which used to breed on Coal Island prior to stoats and rats being removed. The equipment was set up in strategic sites on the island in February. The calls are designed to attract titi/sooty shearwaters and kōrure/mottled petrels in the hope they will breed on the island once more. Seabird experts will monitor the sites in 2021 to detect any seabird interaction.
The trust would like to thank the ANZ Staff foundation, the Department of Conservation Community Fund and Fiordland Helicopters for supporting this project.
link . . . https://blog.tepapa.govt.nz/2020/04/29/the-call-of-the-wild-attracting-seabirds-to-remote-coal-island/
Mohua Fixed Transect Survey – Makarora Region
November 2018
The annual fixed transect mohua surveys were completed in November 2018. On seven of the eight transects there were more mohua detections during the 2018 season than in 2017, two transects had a decrease in detections, while four transects were stable relative to previous years. On a real positive note there were 5 separate groups (of 4-6 birds) observed this season. Of these groups at least four were family groups which was really encouraging and was the best evidence to date that the population may be recovering slowly.
Despite the difficulty in seeing birds the total number of mohua counted in 2018 was the highest to date. This is mainly attributable to the successful breeding of at least 4 pairs in the 2018 season and is also probably evidence of at least some successful breeding having occurred in the 2017 season.
download . . . Makarora Mohua Survey 2018 (pdf)
$ 4,600.00
Mohua Translocation – Catlins to Codfish Island/Whenua Hōu
23 October 2018
This translocation was a genetic boost for threatened mohua living on Whenua Hōu, 17 mohua were captured and successfully released in their new home to help widen the dating pool of the existing mohua population. Trust founder Nigel Babbage said it means the population will thrive and it also ensures the genetics from the Catlins mohua are secured on a predator-free island.
Thank you to the amazing team for all their hard work.
download . . . Genetic boost for threatened mohua living on Whenua Hōu - Stuff.co.nz (pdf)
Sinbad Skink Habitat Assessment
September 2018
Habitat assessments were completed on Anchor and Secretary Islands to aid in the survival of the Sinbad skink, Oligosoma pikitanga, found only at the head of Sinbad Gully. Once assessed the team can begin planning the transfer of skinks to their new habitat.
The trust would like to thank Distinction Hotels for their support of this project, it is greatly appreciated.
Te Kakahu Skink Habitat Assessment, Transfer and monitoring Survey – Chalky Island to Anchor Island
February 2018 and August 2018
Te Kakahu skink have a new home in Fiordland. In February 99 skinks were successfully transferred to Anchor Island. Congratulations and well done to the team.
The Te Kakahu skink is critically endangered point endemic, known only from one small area. The decision for this transfer was made to establish a "backup" population in another safe location, to ensure their long term survival by minimising the risk of having only one population. Nigel Babbage of the Mohua Charitable Trust said follow-up monitoring of the skink would be carried out on Anchor Island in two months' time.
"We would like to thank the Ron and Edna Greenwood Environmental Trust for their support of this project and worthy cause"
download . . . Te Kakahu Skinks - MCT Media Release 14 February 2018 (pdf)
download . . . Rare skink shifted to Fiordland - Otago Daily Times Online News (pdf)
Mohua Fixed Transect Survey – Makarora Region
November 2017
The seventh annual fixed transect mohua survey was completed in November 2017.
Mohua were detected on ten of the thirteen transects surveyed in 2017, up from 9 out of 13 transects in 2016. The average number of mohua per transect was 2.75. The total number of mohua individuals seen or heard during the 52 transect walks, including 30 out of count, was 143. Many of these were repeat records of the same birds. Of these 143 observations, 99 were in the Young, a slight decrease from the 112 observations in the Young Valley last year. However, there was a significant increase in observations in both the Makarora Valley and the Blue with 29 and 15 records respectively and overall there was a ten percent increase in birds seen or heard across all lines.
The increase in numbers of birds recorded in the Makarora, Blue and lower Young is encouraging. However the overall number of birds is still very low meaning the population is by no means secure.
download . . . Mohua Fixed Transect Survey 2017 (pdf)
$ 4,600.00
Mohua Translocation – Landsborough Valley to Hawdon Valley
28 October 2017
Our trust is very pleased to announce that, with the help of DOC, 20 mohua were transferred on Saturday 28th October. The birds were caught in the Landsborough Valley and released in the Hawdon Valley, Arthur’s Pass National Park. All birds flew out of the boxes with no deaths. A huge thank you to the team for all their passion and hard work.
download . . . More mohua for the Hawdon (pdf)
The trust would also like to acknowledge and thank the following supporters: Wanaka Helicopters for their generous sponsorship towards this project. And a huge thank you to the Lottery Grants Board for their support. We greatly appreciate your help with this project.
$ 14,755.66
Mohua Translocation – Anchor Island to Eglinton Valley
6 October 2017
Birdsong in the Eglinton Valley has become that much sweeter after 100 mohua were released at Kiosk Creek. This is the fourth mohua translocation to the area in 7 years in a joint effort by the Department of Conservation, the Mohua Charitable Trust and with support from Ngāi Tahu.
Read more here:
download . . . Melodic mohua on the move (pdf)
Thank you to the Lottery Grants Board for helping this worthy cause. With your help these birds have a fighting chance.
$ 14,326.82
Mohua Fixed Transect Survey – Makarora Region
November 2016
Mohua were detected on nine of the thirteen transects in 2016. The total number of mohua individuals seen or heard was 130. One-hundred and twelve of these were in the Young Valley. The total number of mohua counted was the highest to date, but this is mainly attributable to the high numbers on the North Young and Young Forks transects.
Read more here:
download . . . 2016 Makarora Mohua Report - DOC 3030815 (pdf)
$ 4,029.60
Mohua Translocation – Anchor Island to Eglinton Valley
21 & 22 October 2016
More mohua for the Eglinton Valley. 101 mohua were successfully translocated from Anchor Island in the Dusky Sound to Kiosk Creek in the Eglinton Valley. Children from the Restore Kepler Team were there to help release the birds in their new home.
download . . . More mohua for Eglinton Valley: Media release October 2016 (pdf)
download . . . Mohua translocation to the Eglinton Valley, October 2016 (pdf)
$ 15,134.00
Mohua Translocation – Anchor Island to Eglinton Valley
15 October 2015
Mohua in the Eglinton valley, Fiordland received a top up with the release of 80 birds transferred from Anchor Island in Dusky Sound. The trust worked in partnership with DOC and Ōraka Aparima Rūnanga. The Eglinton valley is one of the few road accessible valleys in Fiordland National Park, and is a popular stop off point for visitors to Milford Sound.
download . . . Mohua population gets a boost in the Eglinton Valley - Media release 16 October 2015 (pdf)
download . . . Mohua to Eglinton Report 2015 (pdf)
Thank you to the Lottery Grants Board for funding the transfer flights from Anchor Island to the Eglinton Valley.
$ 7,425.90
Mohua Translocation – Chalky Island to Coal Island
15 September 2015
80 mohua were successfully moved from Chalky Island to Coal Island in Preservation Inlet, Fiordland National Park. Led by the Coal Island Charitable trust, in partnership with our trust and the Department of Conservation, this translocation supports our aim to re-establish mohua and other native bird populations to numbers once found in New Zealand.
download . . . Mohua moved to Coal Island Media release 15 September 2015 (pdf)
download . . . Mohua and Robin to Coal Is translocation report (pdf)
Thank you to the Lottery Grants Board for funding the transfer flights from Chalky Island to Coal Island.
$ 14,432.21
Mohua Fixed Transect Survey – Makarora Region
4 November 2015
The Makarora region is home of the threatened mohua and November this year was the fifth year of spring mohua monitoring. This survey has been set up in order to monitor the change in population estimate and to assess efficiency of the predator control in place. The survey region will include the Makarora, Blue and Young valleys where the fixed transects were set up in 2010 and is completed during the months of October and November when the birds are the most active to maximise the survey results.
The report shows that the Mohua population seems to be stable which is encouraging.
download . . . Makarora mohua report 2015 - DOC-2695924 (pdf)
$ 4,029.60
The University of Canterbury Foundation
Funding of research for the endangered Black Stilt (Kaki) by Dr Tammy Steeves
May 2015
Research into making genetic conservation recommendations that maximise the evolutionary potential of Kaki by applying population genetic methods to modern and ancient mitochondrial and nuclear genetic data obtained from contemporary and historical populations in New Zealand. Maintaining the genetic health of the threatened species.
download . . . Spotlight on saving critically endangered kaki (pdf)
$ 10,000.00
Mohua Fixed Transect Survey – Makarora Region
4 November 2014
The fourth year of spring Mohua monitoring in the Makarora area was completed in November 2014. Ten fixed transects have been surveyed each year in the Makarora area from 2011 through 2012. Three additional transects were added in the Young Valley in 2013, to bring the total number of transects to 13.
Mohua were detected on 10 of the 13 transects in 2014. The average number of Mohua detected per transect was 1.27. There is a critical need to continue Mohua monitoring across the south island in the next few years following the recent beech mast and Battle for our Birds 1080 operations.
download . . . Makarora Mohua Fixed transect Survey Report 2014 (pdf)
$ 3,128.00
Mohua Translocation – Chalky Island to the Hawdon Valley
6 November 2014
58 endangered mohua were successfully relocated from Chalky Island in Fiordland to the Hawdon Valley at Arthur’s Pass. This was the largest ever translocation of mohua to Canterbury and boosts the numbers of this endangered species in the region.
download . . . Mohua Charitable trust Press Release Nov2014 (pdf)
download . . . The Press article (pdf)
Thank you to the Lottery Grants Board for funding the transfer flights from Chalky Island to the Hawdon Valley.
$ 16,884.50
Mohua Fixed Transect Survey – Makarora Region
November 2013
In 2013, the third year of spring Mohua monitoring in the Makarora area, was completed in the month of November. The result of this year survey shows a slight increase of the Mohua population in the Makarora area. Mohua should have a good breeding season this year as there have not been many predators caught in the trap lines at the moment.
download . . . Makarora Mohua Fixed transect Survey Report 2013 (pdf)
$ 3,597.20
Mohua Translocation – Catlins to Resolution Island
7 November 2013
22 Mohua were successfully moved from the Catlins Conservation area in Otago to Resolution Island in Fiordland.
The birds were flown by helicopter to Resolution Island the same day, where they were blessed by Te Runanga o Awarua, welcomed by local iwi, Te Runanga o Oraka Aparima and released.
download . . . DoC Report: Mohua transfer from the Catlins Maclennan Forest to Resolution Island sponsored by the Mohua Charitable trust (pdf)
download . . . Department of Conservation Media Report (pdf)
download . . . Island move gives birds better shot at survival (pdf)
download . . . Mohua moved to Fiordland super site (pdf)
download . . . Mohua moved To Resolution Island in Fiordland - Stuff(pdf)
Thank you to the Lottery Grants Board for the funds for the helicopter expenses.
$ 14,967.99
Establishment of South Island Saddleback Population at Orokonui Ecosanctuary
September 2013
The transfer of 50 South Island Saddleback from Breaksea Island into Orokonui Ecosanctuary, to establish a self-sustaining population, was successful. All 50 birds caught and transferred were alive when released and looked in very good condition.
download . . . Role of Genetics Explored - Ian Jamieson Interview Oct 2013 (pdf)
download . . . 50 Saddlebacks delivered to sanctuary (pdf)
$ 5,000.00
Fiordland Crested Penguin (Tawaki) Survey – Solander Island
30 August 2013
The Mohua Charitable Trust together with First Sovereign trust Limited helped fund a Fiordland Crested Penguin Survey managed by the Department of Conservation. A better understanding of the population trends for Fiordland Crested penguins across their range is required to determine if the population is declining and if so what the possible causes are and management option to remedy it.
download . . . Solander Island – Tawaki Monitoring 29 August 2013 (pdf)
thanks to . . .
$ 3,139.50
Makarora Mohua Population Survey – DOC Wanaka
November 2012
The trust help fund, a Wanaka Department of Conservation contractor, to implement a Mohua inventory and distribution survey in Makarora and Young Valleys to identify the Mohua population range, distribution and density. This significant data will provide us with a better understanding of the population and will allow us to target areas for a potential rat control operation when needed.
download . . . Blue Young Mohua Survey Report 2012 (pdf)
download . . . Makarora Valley Mohua Report 2013 (pdf)
download . . . Maintenance of the Makarora and Young Valley trap Line Report (pdf)
link . . . Press Release – Otago Daily Times “Programme helps mohua increase” (23/03/2013)
$ 11,018.88
Transit Valley Kakapo Search
25 to 28 February 2012
The trust help fund, a Department of Conservation team, fly to
Fiordland in the hope of finding evidence of Kakapo existence in
historic breeding areas.
link . . . http://www.stuff.co.nz/the-press/news/6528417/Search-for-last-kakapo
$ 5,817.31
Wanaka Predator Control Programme
The trust provided nearly 200 traps and funded a helicopter to fly in
the new traps to the Makarora Valley.
download . . . Press
Release: Wanaka SunNews Feb 2012 (pdf)
Rare mohua receives a boost in Mt Aspiring National Park
link . . . http://www.doc.govt.nz/about-doc/news/media-releases/rare-mohua-receives-a-boost-in-mt-aspiring-national-park/
More Money For Mohua Wanaka
Feb 2012
download . . . More
Money For Mohua Wanaka Feb 2012.pdf
Otago Daily Times Mohua press release
3 Feb 2012
link . . . http://www.odt.co.nz/your-town/wanaka/196530/trust-gives-11000-doc-mohua-programme
Update on the Predator Control Programme
15 June 2012
download . . . Update
on Predator Control Programme 15 June 2012 (pdf) |
$ 11,017.45
genetics of rock wren (Xenicus
The rock wren is a small, threatened endemic bird, only found in patches of alpine habitat in the South Island of New Zealand. The trust together with the Birdlife International Community Conservation Fund have funded a research project managed by Kerry Weston to investigate the ecology of the rock wren and aid in the conservation of this unique alpine passerine.
download . . . Conservation
genetics of rock wren (pdf)
$ 5,400.00
Mohua translocation – Chalky Island to Eglinton Valley
On the
21 October 2010 69 Mohua were caught on Chalky Island
and successfully released in the Eglinton Valley. This transfer,
from an island sanctuary to the mainland, is one of the first on
this scale.
download . . . 2010
Mohua translocation (pdf)
Mohua thriving in new mainland home - DoC article published
21 March 2011
link . . . http://www.doc.govt.nz/about-doc/news/media-releases/2011/mohua-thriving-in-new-mainland-home/
DoC news release
October 18 2010
link . . . Eglinton
Valley to become home for island mohua - DOCDM-656742 Press Release (pdf)
Hamish Clark Press Release October 25 2010
link . . . http://www.3news.co.nz/Mohua-searching-for-new-home/tabid/423/articleID/182993/Default.aspx
$ 9,108.00
Mohua translocation
Catlins to the South branch of the Hurunui
1 November 2009
Rare Mohua transfer to rebuild stock
ODT news release by Rebecca Fox
link . . . http://www.odt.co.nz/news/dunedin/80373/rare-mohua-transfer-rebuild-stock
DoC News Release – More Mohua for Hurunui
link . . . http://www.doc.govt.nz/about-doc/news/newsletters/canterbury-doc/archive/december-2009/braided-river-and-forest-bird-updates/#more
$ 5,279.63
Mohua translocation
Breaksea Island to the South branch of the Hurunui
31 October 2008
$ 7,434.58
University of Otago Post graduate research sponsorship
by Lisa Naomi tracy
$ 5,000.00